Lies, lies and more lies. I don’t know about you, but I am sick of all of the lies.
So instead of bitching about it, here I am. I decided to do something about it. I am going to expose the lies, one by one. And there are plenty. I sat down for a brainstorming session and came up with 300 in about 20 minutes. So no shortage of material here.
500 lies will cover a broad range of topics, including health, wellness, history, science, medicine, news and crime. I will provide brief easy to read content with lots of links for exploring. I want to plant the seeds and I want you take them and grow.
My wish is create a resource, encompassing all the lies in one place.
I consider myself a researcher, and most of all a curator. My mission is to gather the cream of the crop and the best of the best. I am cutting thru the chaf so you don’t have to.
People are busy and don’t have time to dig around for answers. I get it. I am trying to help you navigate the overwhelming amount of information pulling you in all different directions.
If you disagree with what I have found to be true, then stoke your curiosity and learn more about that subject. Follow the links, watch the videos and start doing your own research. I am just the middleman. I am just the mediary between the information and you.
I am not here to convince you or persuade you. I am not here to impose my beliefs on you. 500 Lies was created with one purpose; to inform.
A former journalist for more than 23 years, I am appalled at what journalism has become. They are the biggest liers of all.
So who the hell am I?
Basically a curious person who wants to know the truth. I am no genius, no scientist, no doctor. But I have common sense and a strong drive to dig for answers. I am extremely resourceful and can usually find what I need. I send the gems of my explorations to my friends who are enlightened, but unfortunately their numbers are small. So I thought instead of just my few lucky friends who are benefitting from my research, why not share it with everyone. So here I am.
I grew up in a Detroit suburb, determined to get the hell out of there as soon as I was able, and I did. Spent 30 years sweating my ass off in Florida and decided my dream of moving to California needed to happen at age 50. I missed my goal by a year, but at age 51 I made the move to California. Drove by myself a 25 foot U-Haul with my car hitched on the back. Had three cats in crates on the passenger seat and barely enough money to make it. But I did.
I tell that little story because people thought I was crazy to move across the country on my own to a place I had never been and to a place where I knew no one. And you will think I am crazy when I tell you the truths I have learned. But you know what? I don’t care. People need to know the truth and dammit if I have to be the one to tell it. So be it.
Some of my former occupations include: Waitress, factory worker, credit union clerk, maid, cashier, horse caretaker, journalist (23 years with the Daytona News-Journal), garden design business owner, writer, photographer, caregiver and now my latest stint in life as a bookseller.
A Taurus, I was born in the early 60s. I love plants, animals, nature and the outdoors. I am down to earth and real, what you see is what you get. My goal is to share what I know to be true. Sometimes we can’t be certain of the truth, but at least if we can bring it to light we can at least question it. So here I am.
If you find value in what I share, please share with others. Thanks!