This is 100 percent false. Fluoride is nothing but a toxic industrial waste product. The greedy bastards did not want to spend money to have this toxin disposed of properly so they thought “let’s just get rid of it by putting it in the water. We can make up some BS it helps fight cavities.”
So that’s what they did.
“We have a chemical waste product that can seriously damage our body and mind. No scientific proof that concludes it provides any benefit for our teeth. A government that is very keen on adding it to all water supplies, and tells health professionals to advise us that our children should use more of it. While toothpaste packets contain poison warnings. If you still think this is a nice chemical to have in your body, enjoy your fluorinated Pepsi and continue to let your child with ADHD drink from the tap.”
Taken from :
And yet it’s illegal to put this poison in our rivers and streams.
Here are some reasons why you should avoid fluoride:
Lowers IQ
Hyperactivity and/or lethargy
Increases lead absorption
Disrupts synthesis of collagen
Brain damage
Muscle disorders
Bone fractures
Bone cancer (osteosarcoma)
Dental fluorosis (staining and pitting of teeth)
Lowers thyroid function
Disrupts immune system
Inhibits formation of antibodies
Genetic damage and cell death
Inactivates 62 enzymes
Increases tumor and cancer rate
Increases aging process
Reduces melatonin production
Leads to earlier onset of puberty
Damages sperm
Increases infertility
And if all that were not bad enough, a new study showed that women who drank fluoridated water during pregnacy had a higher chance of having children with neurobehavioural problems. Here is the link:
Here is an excellent documentary called “Fluoride on Trial: the Censored Science on Fluoride and your Health.”
Dr. Mercola has some good articles on fluoride. Here is a link to one:
Here is a link to a short video explaining how the masses were manipulated to accept fluoride poisoning:
So what should you do? First off stop the stupid floridated toothpaste. Tom’s of Maine makes one without fluoride which is pretty easy to find.
Or even better…make your own:
Next, find out if your water supply is being poisoned by fluoride. If it is, then get yourself a good water filter such as the Big Berkey.
Here is a review of the Berkey:
Woo Hoo! One lie down, only 499 more to go!!!!