Lie 10: All those immigrants coming across the border are just refugees
They are just looking for a better life in America
In case you have not noticed we are being invaded.
This has been going on for some time now, and it is happening all over the world.
This is deliberate. This is planned. This is funded by governments. These immigrants are being brought here to kill us and replace us.
Oh I know. Relax. No one is coming to kill us. I am being hysterical.
Sorry but it’s true.
Ann Vandersteel, a journalist, who did a deep dive into the border crisis with her documentary called “Operation Burning Edge,’’ said the following:
“The times are desperate. The invasion of our country is underway. This is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to taking over a nation.”
She added, “What we have uncovered with Operation Burning Edge is a full-fledged military style coordinated invasion including countries from around the world, many who are state sponsors of terror, that have made their way into these United States unlawfully against our constitution to wit this federal government has not stood and defended the constitution. Neither has any of the 50 state governors.”
If you watch no other videos in this article, please watch this one! Very short, under 15 seconds. After you see it, you will understand why I am afraid.
Check out this guy coming in:
Texas, as well as Arizona and Panama, are the seeing the largest numbers of immigrants. Epoch Times put out an incredible documentary called “Gotaways: The Hidden Border Crisis.”
The film takes place in Kinney County, Texas, population 3,100. One of the border agents, who has been with the border patrol for more than 30 years, said, “The cartel pushes across the asylum seekers, they overwhelm border patrol. They have scouts out watching every part of the border. They figure out which sections of the border are now vacated and then that’s where they push thru the people that do not want to surrender. (to border patrol)”
He added, “These are going to be the potential terrorists, the criminals, people that have been deported before-the real threat to the U.S.”
Kinney County is 25 miles from the border and many ranchers are being terrorized with break-ins, robberies, vandalism such as gates and fences being destroyed and trespassing. One rancher found 21 dead bodies on his ranch. Another rancher had his dogs beaten. One rancher moved his wife and kids off the property in fear for their safety.
They go thru Kinney County to avoid the checkpoints. Human smuggling arrests have quadrupled in the last few years. In 2020 there were 169 arrests for human smuggling. In 2022, there were 741 arrests.
Most of these people pay bail and never show up in court. The financial strain on the county is great, with the county having to pay for medical services, such as treatment for a snake bite victim that required 19 vials of anti-snake venem that cost the county $28,000, plus the cost of a helicopter to transport the illegal alien.
The same border patrol agent from the film stated, “It’s only going to get worse because as long as they are allowing people to come in and make some bogus claim to asylum, they are just going to keep coming.’’
Besides the human smuggling, drugs such as Fentanyl are also being brought into the country. According to Anne Milgram, DEA administrator, “It is the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced.”
According to an attorney in the film, “If we had a secure border, every single person that dies from Fentanyl or an illegal alien that murders someone - that could have been prevented.”
In Springfield, Ohio, the immigrant Haitian population has increased by 20,000 people over the last 4 years. Before that Springfield’s population was only 55,000.
Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, now Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, discusses this here in a short video:
Jim Ferguson, the founder of Freedom Train International and a former Parliamentary Candidate with The Brexit Party in Barnsley, England, is raising the alarm about what is happening in Ireland.
He says, “A shocking and dire warning has been issued that could see a massacre on the scale of Rwanda taking place in Ireland! Could the massive amounts of illegal migrants that have now been allowed by the globalists into Ireland be weaponised and used to destroy the Irish people? Ireland is under sustained globalist attack. The illegal migrants now for the first time outnumber Irish fighting age men.”
He added, “There could be an orchestrated purge type situation where millions of illegal migrants suddenly rise to attack their host nations. This could lead to a massive disaster that the west needs to understand is a very real and present danger. There are periods of great instability just ahead and its essential that everyone gets ready for serious disruptions to our way of life and the things we take for granted may not continue.’’
Ireland has a population of about 3 million and in the last couple of years the number of immigrants is around 2 million.
He discusses this issue with the man who has the most expertise on the subject than anyone else, Michael Yon. Yon, is a United States Special Forces veteran and Green Beret. So why is he such an expert?
Yon has dedicated his life to following crisis situations and war. He has a great understanding of history and can see the warning signs. He goes to war zones, the border and travels the world to get intel so he can share what he finds with us.
He is a foreign war correspondent for the alternate press.
Yon said, ‘‘I went to Ireland a couple of years ago because I thought Ireland was going to be one of the kick off places. They could take Ireland with machetes. A container full of machetes would be enough to arm those guys to actually take it.”
“They are mostly military aged men,’’ he said. “What’s about to unfold is deadly serious.”
Here is the link to the interview. Highly recommend you listen to every word Yon has to say. He has boots on the ground and knows exactly what is going on.
Here is a short video of a migrant camp in Ireland:
The invasion is also happening is Canada.
This information comes from Donald Best, an anti-corruption advocate and former Toronto Police officer. Twitter handle: DonaldBest.CA * DO NOT COMPLY@DonaldBestCA
“1.5 million foreign invaders into Canada in the last 18 months. The transformation in some smaller communities is outrageous. If this continues you will have nothing left as your personal income and assets are stripped to subsidize corporate profits and cheap labour, and to centralize control and authority in a balkanized Canada. The same plan, of course, is also at work in the United States, U.K., Ireland, and throughout Western Europe.
He added, “Quiet residential neighbourhoods are suddenly full of single family dwellings where 10 or 15 foreign single men reside - and it's party city every night. Women no longer feel safe in their own residential neighbourhoods where only five years ago every bungalow housed one family.’’
He stressed, “Nobody voted for this economic and social destruction. Nobody voted to take in millions of single, foreign men of military age - and to insert them into communities across this country. Nobody voted to allow exceptions in Canadian laws to accommodate foreign values and customs - and to give rights that other Canadians do not have.”
United Nations, Governments and NGOS (non-government organizations)
So who is organizing this effort? World governments, as well as the United Nations.
First off we have the lovely Replacement Migration document, a 177 page beauty put out by the Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat.
They call their little plan “A Solution to a Declining and Aging Population.”
Here is a link if you want to see it for yourself:
So how come the population is declining? Could it be because they are poisoning us every day thru our air, food and water?
Why is the population aging and we don’t have enough babies to balance it out? Could it be the poisons are affecting fertility and sperm counts? Could it be the Covid shot is causing fertility problems?
Look at this chart of stillbirths and miscarriages. Funny how we did not see an increase until the release of the shot in 2021. Hmmm.
Besides the United Nations wanting to change demographics, the World Economic Forum wants to reduce the world’s population of 1 billion white people by 2030. Link to article here:
The United Nations and many other non-government organizations (which are being funded by governments) are organizing this whole effort. They provide the migrants with phones, debit cards, maps, lodging, food and transportation.
Here is a very short video about this:
They use some guise of charity for their nefarious deeds. Examples include Catholic Charities, Red Cross and Doctors without Borders.
But here’s the deal. These NGO’s are being paid. They are making tons of money from all of this. How much could they be making?
According to Forbes, the NGO Catholic Charities USA received $1.4 billion from government support.
1.4 billion!!! Someone is getting rich.
Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice calls it “An illegal alien industrial complex.”
And he is right.
A map provided to people by the Red Cross, showing people where to cross and where to go:
I listened to a fascinating interview a few months back that really shook me. It was an interview Mike Adams of did with a man who was a contractor for one of these NGOs. His job was to put people on the buses at these migrant centers.
He said many of them were criminals. He said he grew up in the streets and he recognized them by their behavior. Many had tatoos. Many were hostile. Most were military aged men.
He would stay on the bus with them until they got to their final destination. But, he said, there was nothing he could do to stop them from getting off the bus somewhere else. They could be going to Chicago, but if the bus stopped in some small town in South Carolina and they got off the bus, there was nothing he could do.
He said the company that charters the bus was making thousands and thousands of dollars. I can’t remember the exact amount, but it was something crazy like $5,000 for each migrant.
Not to mention all the money spent on air fare, and lets not forget hotel rooms in New York City.
Here is a short video of migrants in New York:
After they get their phones, they download apps to tell them where to go and how to get money and lodging.
Here is a short video describing how the United Nations helps the immigrants even get Social Security numbers:
These same phones will be used to message the migrants when it’s time to be activated. What kind of activation? Who the hell knows!
They could get a message to meet somewhere, and then as a group take down critical infrastructure such as bridges, roads and electric power grids. They could be activated to poison water supplies and destroy food. They could be activated to get weapons and kill us. They could be activated to deploy missles or bombs, or chemical warfare.
But something you need to know…these migrants hate Americans. They hate us more than anything. They will have no problem doing any of this.
But not only are migrants from Venezuela, Guatemala and Columbia, but we are also seeing migrants from China. The Chinese are mostly going thru Arizona, and the ones from South America are going thru Texas.
Here is a short video about the Chinese:
More Chinese:
Notice I did not say Mexican immigrants. We are not being overrun with Mexicans. We are being invaded by people from all over, but mostly South America, Africa, the Middle East and China. Sure Mexicans are coming in, but they do not make up the majority.
In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxon said nonprofit organizations humanitarian assistance may have crossed the line into ‘unlawfully orchestrating’ border crossings. He said this because these NGOS are going across the border to get the people our own immigration officers turned away. They drive their cars over the border and bring them back in.
Darien Gap
A place where many of the migrants come to is a place called Darien Gap. It is in a Panamanian jungle. This is like Grand Central Station for immigrants, with thousands getting into the United States using this route. People have to travel in the jungle in extreme conditions and the cartels are active, with some people getting robbed and raped. These GMO’s are even handing out rape kits.
This route is part of a larger route connecting South America all the way to Canada.
And now they are building a bridge to make it easier. The only part of the route that was incomplete was the Darian Gap, but not for long. Here journalist Laura Loomer describes the bridge leading to the super highway of immigrant invasion:
Here is a cute little video showing people the route:
Immigrants in line to be processed
So as you can see from the evidence provided, we are in big trouble. I looked for a long time to find the video with Michael Yon saying they are here to kill us. I realize that is a bold statement, and I wanted to back it up.
Unfortunately I could not find the video. But, I have listened to probably 25 of his videos, and I heard him say it numerous times. Especially the Chinese, who Yon says are getting military training. And as Yon says, we need to take this seriously.
I have included links to his videos below, as he is really the best source on this topic.
As always, I hope you find the information provided unique and valuable. Please share. Thanks so much.
For more information, some great resources:
Ann Vandersteel has played a significant role in getting the truth out about the border. Here is an interview with her here:
Here is a link to her Operation Burning Edge documentary, that she made with Michael Yon:
Video about global mass migration:
Michael Yon:
Michael Yon on Canadian border:
Michael Yon and Alex Jones interview:
Interview with a border agent:
Video explaining how to take over someone’s house: