Lie 12: Viruses exist and can spread
Get ready for Bird Flu and Monkey Pox and whatever else they will try to throw at us
“One cannot prove that something doesn’t exist. One can only prove that something does exist.” Dr. Stefan Lanka
Now I have a feeling this lie is going to cause a lot of people to scratch their heads and say “She has really gone off the deep end with this one.”
It is a controversy for sure. That’s why I am bringing it up. I love controversy. Bring it on.
Just because we have been told that viruses are real does not mean they are.
Just because the so called “experts” saw some crap under a microscope does not mean what they saw was a virus.
Just because you spent time with someone who was sick and then you got sick, does not mean they were contagious and made you sick.
These are all assumptions people blindly believe without ever questioning.
Ok, so why do I think there are no viruses? What leads to me to come to this conclusion?
A couple of key points. One a virus has never been isolated. And two, when they tried to infect a healthy animal or person with a contagious disease, they were not able to spread it. In other words, it has never been proven viruses exist.
Christine Massey from Canada has spent a significant amount of time sending Freedom of Information (FOIs) notices to health agencies around the world trying to find out if any of these countries have isolated the virus.
From her website,
“FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (224 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever”
So more than 200 institutions could not find it. They could not provide a single record describing the isolation of the virus that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material.
What does that mean, “adulterated with other sources of genetic material”?
Well these virology clowns like to mix stuff in with the samples. They can’t take just a pure sample. They have to mess with it by adding crap that does not even belong. Even using a cell culture, no one has purified a virus. More about this later.
Massey said, “In their responses, numerous institutions have made it explicitly clear that isolation/purification is simply never done in virology, and that “isolation” in virology means the exact opposite of what it means in everyday English. This is also evidenced in every “virus isolation” paper we have ever seen, for any alleged “virus”.’’
Here is a link showing all the countries she surveyed and her results:
She added, “There is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” (blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures) actually exists. Without this step having been performed and followed by characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments, all claims of this alleged “virus” are nothing but wild speculation backed only by fraudulent science, fraudulent tests and fraud-based diagnoses.”
Very short video about no isolation:
Dr. Tom Cowan has been at the forefront of this movement towards terrain theory, which states it is basically the environment causing the illness, not a virus. The latin origin of the word virus means poison.
A good example of terrain theory states if you have a sick fish in a dirty fish tank, it would be better to clean the tank rather than to vaccinate the fish for a virus. The fish is sick because of the environment.
What most people believe are that germs are responsible for disease and illness, hence the name germ theory.
In a recent interview he said, “To my shock and surprise neither I not anyone else I know looking into this issue has yet to find a single published study that even attempted to perfrom these simple and doable experiments. (to isolate a virus) To my further shock and surprise, not only are these experiments not done with SARS COV2, but there were also not done with AIDS, Hep. C, Measles or any other illness supposedly caused by pathogenic viruses.”
Cowan said, “You could say this is a proven fact that there are chemicals in mucus that cause people to have symptoms which we associate with colds and flus and sore throats that are not viruses. That stands as a proven scientifically validated conclusion.”
Dr. Mike Yeardon, a former senior executive at Pfizer said, “I learned a new bit of information recently and it collapsed the possibility that respiratory viruses as described exist at all. They don’t.”
The problem starts at the very beginning, when virologists first take a look under the microscope of a “virus.” You would think they would take a snot sample, or salvia from a sick person and then put that fluid directly onto a slide and take a look.
What do they do? They add the body fluid to cow’s milk, then add penicillin and streptomycin to the mix along with bovine amniotic fluid, beef embryo extract, horse blood, an unspecified antibiotic and phenol red.
What the hell. Are you kidding me? This is how you isolate a virus? I am no scientist but even I can tell you this doesn’t make any sense at all.
Then some of the cells are removed and put into a fresh culture mix. This is another way to stress the cells and the more it is done, the more it diverts from anything resembling what happens in nature. This toxic mix makes some of the cells sick.
They also use monkey kidney cell lines, which are abnormal. According to Dr. Sam Bailey, an expert in terrain theory, “So that’s how you culture a virus that doesn’t exist - add all sorts of biological soup to a cell line that is already abnormal and may come from the wrong species. Once the cells die from the process itself-blame the virus boogyman.”
Dr. Amandha Vollmer, a professional holistic health practioner, agrees with Dr. Bailey as far as the ridiculous methods used to test for a virus are concerned.
She said, “They collect shavings from what is presumed to be an 'infection,' pulverize them, mix them with various chemicals, and then centrifuge the mixture to form a pellet they assume contains the 'virus.' However, they never demonstrate that this pellet contains particles that cause disease. Instead, they simply move on to 'sequencing.'
They collected skin lesions, already assuming the presence of a virus. They centrifuged the sample, identified specific bands they assumed were the virus, and then added yeast and the chemical phenol.
They extracted DNA from the sample, presuming it was viral DNA, without ever directly isolating the genetic material from these particles.’’
She added, “As you can see, this is not scientific at all! This is a magic show and many are under virology’s spell.”
Here is a super short video of Dr. Cowan explaining how they come up with a virus:
Or how about genetic sequencing? Where they just make up some crap on the computer and call it a virus? Yup. They do that too.
Taken from Twitter from Cognitive Dissonance@polybadger:
“Did you know the “full genome” of any virus is not obtained by sequencing an entire intact “virus” that they have isolated? No, the product of cell culture experiment tainted with multiple sources of genetic material is taken & assembled via computer program into a “full genome.”
Taken from Twitter from clausthelibertarian@claushetting
“Genomic sequencing of ‘viruses’ assumes you can find genetic material of ‘a virus’ in a soup of biological material. When the sequences don’t match they make them up. This is how the ‘SarsCov2’ virus was ‘found’ - ‘in silico’ (on a computer), as they call it.’’
I am not educated in sequencing but I can tell you this does not sound like virus isolation to me.
Dr. Peter Glidden (Peter Glidden ND@DrPeterGlidden) makes a great point here on a Twitter post:
“Virologists use the PCR test to validate the existence of the avian flu (H5N1) - but that test requires that a full genetic sequence of the virus already exists. You have to know beforehand what something looks like if you are attempting to find it with a PCR test. The sequencing of H5N1 never happened. Ditto for SARS. However - if 10 virologists say that something is true, then it must be true - so, "reality by consensus" replaces scientific rigor, the monopolized medical market media megaphone takes over, and we all cower in fear...”
Viruses are really bacteriophages or exosomes, which are excretions of toxic cells. Exosomes are not transmittable. People are looking at exosomes and calling them viruses. This is what they are seeing under a microscope, not viruses.
According to Dr. Bailey, “Contagion can not be demonstrated in clinical experiments that involve alleged viruses and this included experiments with humans. With the Spanish Flu, there was no evidence of virus.”
She added, “Every time these experiments are attempted they fail to show human to human transmission.”
Daniel Ruytas, author of “Can You Catch a Cold,” descredited terrain theory when he first learned about it.
“I proceded to start looking thru all the literature of human contagion experiments, not just for the cold and flu, but for chicken pox and measles and scarlet fever and a range of different conditions and it dawned on me pretty quickly that this whole idea of contagion - that people can transmit disease to one another via means of a microscopic infectious particles - is unsubstantiated, ” he said.
He went on to say, “There doesn’t seem to be any scientific evidence at all, any experimentation that demonstrates this.”
He added, “There is some evidence though when healthy people are around sick people, they get sick. And a lot of this is psychological. I basically found about 70 papers published since the early 1900’s (on the cold and flu) and within these papers there were 205 experiments. And across the overwhelming majority, let’s say 80 to 90 percent, of all of those experiments failed to make anybody ill when they were healthy people in close proximity to sick people or when they exposed them to their bodily fluids.”
As far as the psychological aspect, they did another study where they told people they had been exposed to flu germs, when they were not. In a matter of hours, the people started to develop colds and the flu from just the mere suggestion.
In another experiment they gave the subject saline. He stayed overnight and was coughing and having cold symptoms. In the morning the nurse went into his room and told him it was all a trick, that he had been given saline. Within an hour all of his symptoms disappeared.
“Just the belief that he had been exposed to something was enough to manifest the disease,” Ruytas said. “The power of belief is strong enough to transmit symptoms between people.”
Ruytas said that from a very young age we are conditioned to believe that when you come in contact with a sick person that they can make you sick. This is told to us by authority figures such as our parents, so we don’t question it.
He said, “If the power of belief - the nocebo effect - is strong enough to develop these symptoms just by believing that you’ve been exposed to something, how powerful is that effect from every single government and every health agency around the world when in unison at the same time starts blaring the same message…That in itself is strong enough to cause people symptoms.”
Ruytas said that researchers tried to make people sick in every way imaginable. He said, “They went so far as to even take snot from a sick person and inject it into a monkey, and then take the blood from the monkey and then inject it into a healthy person to try to make them sick.”
Recently scientists in the U.K. tried to infect people with the Covid virus and were not successfull.
Taken from the article,
“In trying to deliberately infect trial participants with the latest COVID strains and subvariants, the research team learned that even doses 10,000 times higher than the original strain are not enough to induce sustained infection.”
Koch’s Postulates
Another thing you hear people talk about when discussing this subject is Koch’s Postulates, which is a statement of the steps needed to establish a microorganism as the cause of a disease. In the past, this was the gold standard for researchers. But now that we have computers and technology, who needs science.
Koch’s Postulates was never proven, no matter what the lying sons of bitches say. Step two, isolating the causal agent has never been done. This has never happened. Here is a graphic explaining it:
Excellent short video about Koch’s Postulates:
Ok so now you have heard from a few people saying viruses do not exist. How did this whole idea of viruses start anyway?
Well when you look back at the history of viruses, it is of course nothing but fraud and greed as always.
Have you heard of pasteurized milk? Where did that term come from? Louis Pasteur, another greedy bastard.
Remember a little while back I introduced you to terrain theory? Well the opposing theory is called germ theory, which Pasteur claimed was the cause of disease.
From the article, “The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur,’’ by R. B. Pearson,
“If you go back into the history of the medical profession and the various ideas regarding the cause of disease that were held by leading physicians before Pasteur first promulgated his notorious "germ theory", you will find convincing evidence that Pasteur discovered nothing, and that he deliberately appropriated, falsified and perverted another man's work.”
So there’s that. Someone else came up with germ theory 100 years before Pasteur, and he basically stole the idea, made it his and promoted the hell out of it. It is because of him the germ theory became the theory people believed, when in fact there was more evidence at the time that terrain theory was the correct assumption.
He also stole and plagiarized the ideas about fermentation from Professor Pierre Jacques Antoine Bechamp, who discovered the process 30 years before him.
From the article “Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day,” by Merinda Teller, MPH, PhD,
“If the medical community were honest, it would be forced to admit that the model of disease that catapulted Pasteur to fame has played itself out and is pushing us to disability and death.”
So basically we are living our lives believing in germs. We think germs make us sick, and germs can be spread from person to person, animal to animal or animal to person. All lies. It has never been proven.
Did you social distance during the pandemic? Why? Because you did not want to get too close and catch someone’s germs! All BS!
Did you wear a mask because you did not want to breathe in someone else’s germs?
Did you use hand sanitizer to kill the germs?
Did you wipe down your groceries you just bought from the store because you did not want to bring germs into your house?
Did you go thru bottles of disinfectant and bleach?
Did you wear gloves everywhere? Especially when pumping gas?
All of it is BS. All of it.
I realize this is a lot of wrap your head around, especially since the germ theory of disease is pounded into us every day all day long.
But you have to realize the reason behind it. This is critical for you understand. If you don’t understand this, it will never make sense.
Without germs and viruses, we would not need vaccines or pharmacueticals.
Let me say it again for those in the back “Without germs and viruses, we would not need vaccines or pharmacueticals.’’
That is the goal here. To inject as many people as possible with toxic vaccines and to poison us with pharmacueticals. They want to kill us, as I have told you before. They want us dead, and they don’t care how they have to do it. Until you realize this truth, you will continue to believe the lies.
An invisible monster virus is the perfect way to do it. No one can see it, but yet the “experts” say it exists.
This monster virus is a psycological tactic. Get the people afraid. Get the people so afraid of all the terrible things that could happen to them if they don’t get a shot or take a drug.
A virus is really the perfect weapon. No bullets or tanks are needed. No one needs to drop bombs. If the people are afraid enough, they will kill themselves. Then the elites can just sit back and watch the people die, as they are doing right now.
The reason for writing this at this time is because we are running out of time. Pretty soon another fake fairy tale virus will be on our doorstep. It’s already planned. It’s already done. They probaby already have a vaccine for it.
Here we go…It has started.
So how are you going to react? Are you going to be afraid and believe what you hear on the news about how there are 5 million Monkey Pox cases? Are you going to be frightened of getting sick if someone you know gets sick?
Just take a few minutes to learn about this. It could be a matter of life and death. There are so many good resources available, which I have included for you at the bottom. Thanks for reading.
Excellent interview with Dr. Tom Cowan on terrain theory:
Dr. Bailey
A great docuseries called The Viral Delusion:
Terrain documentary
Dr. Amandha Vollmer and Dr. Stefan Lanka:
The End of Virology documentary by Alex Zeck:
Dr. Robert Young:
A beginners guide to germ theory:
Virus Hoax:
The Myth Of Contagion, a discussion with T.C. Fry: