Lie 3: If you have high cholesterol you need to take a statin drug
That's what the ad on TV says
Have you ever had to take care of someone with Alzheimer’s disease? Or Dementia? Well I have.
As a former caregiver, I have unfortunately witnessed the suffering of these people and their families. It’s horrific, and until you lived it, you really have no idea how bad it can get.
People with Alzheimer’s don’t know what day, month or year it is. They can’t remember their own children. They think people steal from them and lie to them. They can become verbally and physically abusive as well. They become physically disabled and need help with dressing, tolieting, bathing and meals. They end up needing care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the medical costs are extreme.
The stress this puts the family thru is next level.
I took care of one man who thought his wife left and he kept waiting for her to return. She died and we had to tell him this multiple times a day and witness his reaction to this news like it was the first time he heard it.
Absolutely heartwrenching and so so sad.
Alzheimer’s was relatively rare in the past, but now it is commonplace. What happened? What changed?
Statins that’s what.
If you want brain damage, statins are a great way for you to get it.
According to Dr. Sherry Rogers,
"Overwhelming evidence shows that statins are one of the biggest mistakes ever made in the history of modern medicine. You cannot poison the chemistry of the brain and every cell membrane in every organ without serious consequences. Statins are a known cause of sudden amnesia, which is a major threat everywhere from highways and skyways to operating room suites. And not only do statins increase diabetes, cancers, unnecessary fractures, and other chronic diseases, but statins also are a major cause of our Alzheimer's epidemic."
She added:
The longer someone is on statins and they are usually prescribed for life, the more they can guarantee brain rot.
From the Weston A. Price organization: (
“Cholesterol is vital to proper neurological function. It plays a key role in the formation of memory and the uptake of hormones in the brain, including serotonin, the body’s feel-good chemical. When cholesterol levels drop too low, the serotonin receptors cannot work. Cholesterol is a major component of the brain, much of it in the myelin sheaths that insulate nerve cells and in the synapses that transmit nerve impulses.”
Damaged myelin sheaths is a cause of Alzheimer’s.
Gotta love this guy! He just comes straight out and says it, “doctors cause alzheimer’s.”
Here is a short explanation from a doctor about how statins cause harm:
Here is another very short video from an MIT scientist trying to warn people of the harms:
So how did we get here? How come so many people are taking statins?
In 1984 a bunch of pharmaceutical people sat around a table and discussed cholesterol at the “Cholesterol Consensus Conference.”
So what did they talk about? I was not there, but here is what I think went down….
“So John, you know our sales are down. We need a new disease so we can sell a new drug. What about cholesterol? "
“Well Sam, most people have cholesterol levels over 200, so we could say anyone who has cholesterol over 200 should take a statin. We will scare the living crap out of them, and tell them they will die of a heart attack if they don’t take them.”
“That’s a great idea. Using fear to manipulate the population usually works. Let’s do it.”
So that’s exactly what they did.
Besides the drug companies having a new cash cow, there was a ripple effect.
People would now have to pay for blood tests to check their cholesterol levels. They would need to go to a doctor to get a prescription.
The most popular statin is Lipitor and is now taken by 16 million Americans. 16 million!
One out of every 5 Americans is taking a statin drug!
It turned out to be quite a cash cow alright. I bet those people at the Cholesterol Consensus Conference would be smiling from ear to ear knowing they had a part in this.
So besides the tragic brain damage, as if that were not enough, what are some other harms?
A big one is a depletion of Co-Q10, a nutrient essential for muscle function.
From the Weston A. Price organization: (
Co-Q10 depletion becomes more and more of a problem as the pharmaceutical industry encourages doctors to lower cholesterol levels in their patients by greater and greater amounts. Fifteen animal studies in six different animal species have documented statin-induced Co-Q10 depletion leading to decreased ATP production, increased injury from heart failure, skeletal muscle injury and increased mortality. Of the nine controlled trials on statin-induced Co-Q10 depletion in humans, eight showed significant Co-Q10 depletion leading to decline in left ventricular function and biochemical imbalances.16
Some other side effects:
Muscle pain and weakness, most likely due to depleated Co-Q10,
Peripheral neuropathy, which causes weakness, pain and tingling of the hands and feet
Difficulty walking
Vision issues
Liver issues
Here is another great very short video explaining the harms. Well worth your time to watch!
So have these clowns done any studies? Yes indeed. On thousands of people.
From the Weston A. Price organization: (
“In a meta-analysis of 44 trials involving almost 10,000 patients, the death rate was identical at 1 percent of patients in each of the three groups–those taking atorvastatin (Lipitor), those taking other statins and those taking nothing.46
So in other words it does not reduce deaths. They lied.
There are more studies showing the same result, statins don’t do jack shit in preventing heart attacks. Nothing. Nada.
So what is the bottom line?
We need cholesterol. Our brains need cholesterol.
There is no link or any cause linking high cholesterol to heart disease. They just made that up to sell drugs! What the hell else is new? Same shit different day.