Lie 4: The swabs they use for the Covid test are just cotton swabs
They will not harm you so what are you waiting for? Step right up and get a swab jammed up your brain.
I remember when my former boss asked me to get a Covid PCR test and I refused. She was sincerely puzzled. “How come?” she asked. “It’s just a harmless test.”
Needless to say I lost my job because of it.
What is in these swabs that I was afraid of? Why was I hesitant?
When all of this was being rolled out, who the hell really knew what was on those swabs. We had no data, no analysis, no testing, no studies, no nothing. Just a world determined to stick that thing up the nose of everyone, regardless of the consequences.
Ok smarty pants, so what really is on those swabs?
So we have several different hypotheses. Let’s start with the one by RN Cassandra Dunn. She read the package of the swab and it said sterile/EO. What is EO? Ethylene oxide.
Ethylene oxide is considered a human carcinogen by our very own EPA.
It is a raw material used in large scale chemical production. It is used as antifreeze, in the production of polyester, as a raw material for plastic bottles, liquid coolant and solvants.
It is also used to sterilize medical instruments and devices.
Listen to what Nurse Dunn has to say about it:
What are some of the side effects of ethylene oxide?
mutagenic (meaning it can change DNA in cells)
neurological disorders
lymphoid cancers such as breast cancer
acute poisoning
peripheral neuropathy
impaired hand-eye coordination
memory loss
reproductive harms such as reduced fertility
And guess what? Inhaling ethylene oxide is one of the ways it causes cancer. Hello? Inhaling? How about sticking it up to your brain? Is that considered inhaling?
The close proximity to the brain is not an accident. Especially when they could swabbed people’s mouths instead. Dr. Nobody Special describes it really well:
From Dr. Nobody Special on Twitter @non_sum_tu
“Investigate this... Do you know why they insist that you put these swabs up deep into your nose? Epithelial cells — which filter the air you breathe and secrete mucous aka snot — surrounding olfactory neurons, or nerve cells. One end of each neuron is directly exposed to the air you breathe, and the other end extends up the nose towards the brain.
They added, “As the neurons move further up into the nasal cavity they wrap together in a layer of special cells called glia to form the olfactory nerve. It eventually fuses with part of the brain called the olfactory bulb. The whole system is only a few centimeters long.
While this is fantastic when it comes to detecting odors in the air and relaying this information to your brain, it can be quite deadly when dangerous microbes — which include some bacteria, viruses, parasites and even a brain-eating amoeba — use this same pathway to enter your brain and cause infections.”
Another hypothesis is there is hydro gel and lithium on the swabs. A Tik Tok poster said she got her information from the Slovac Republic who actually did a lab analyis. And what did they find? They found darpa hydro gel and lithium on the swabs.
The darpa hydro gel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland. She said the darpa hydro gel and lithium form crystals which become conductive. In her words “nano attennas” This can cause the thinking person to become a controllable bio robot.
Fascinating 2 min. explanation here:
Here is a plea from a doctor not to get tested because of the hydro gel:
Another hypothesis has to do with nylon fibers which are at the end of the swab.
These nylon fibers break off. They are designed to break off.
What is in these fibers? Biosensors? Microdevices? Morgellons (thread like organisms that look like worms!)? Nanobots? Graphene oxide? Who the hell knows! And why don’t we know? Don’t you think we deserve to know what they are putting up our nose?
Here is a great little video explaining what is in the swab:
Another hypothesis is extremely frightening and really should concern everyone.
According to Celeste Solumn, investigator and author, this swab test is far more nefarious than we could ever imagine. Her hypothesis is straight out of a science fiction movie.
She said these tests are biologically changing people and tagging them. That there is a merging of a new life form and robots.
Crazy shit!! But keep an open mind and please listen to what she has to say. Remember…it is the outliers, the people with far out opinions and theories, who are often right.
Hear what she has to say here:
And finally, Dr. Lorraine Day claims people were vaccinated with the swab.
Another issue is what they doing with the samples. The CDC admitted the PCR test is harvesting your DNA for genomic sequencing analysis. Yah right. Perfectly innocent I am sure. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.
So that’s a little lesson about the wonderful Covid PCR test. It’s not just a harmless test. There is a lot more to it. It’s completely possible all of these hypotheses are correct. I hope the truth will come out one day.