Lie 5: 5G was installed for better cell phone service
Those towers everywhere are to provide improved internet and communications services
So I am going to start this discussion by asking you to watch a two minute video from about two years ago.
And here is another one, just a few seconds long.
Sorry. I did not mean to make anyone upset. Tough to watch for sure.
What just happened to those people?
I have a hunch, a theory or a guess. I think it was 5G. I think they raised the frequency of the 5G causing these people to react and drop dead.
Do I have any proof? Do I have any evidence? Have I interviewed any experts to confirm this? No. This is just purely speculation on my part. Just me thinking out loud.
The most frightening thing is if someone wanted to, they could turn up the frequencies and cause great harm. It is possible to hurt people with high frequencies. Different pathogens can be released by different frequencies pulsed thru the 5G network.
Do you remember back in October when they conducted a nationwide cell phone test? Some people thought that was the day they were going to turn it up.
According to Frank Clegg, former president of Microsoft, Canada,
“I believe our current implementation of wireless technology is not safe. The more research I do and the more experts I talk to, the more concerned I become. I am not aware of any study that shows 5G technology is safe.”
He provides an excellent short discussion of the topic here:
According to Dr. Mercola, as was published on
“While the 4G network uses under 6 gigahertz (GHz) on the radio frequency spectrum, 5G will occupy from 30 GHz to 300 GHz, which are shorter millimeter wavelengths. The health effects of consistent exposure to pulses of these wavelengths have not been thoroughly studied, but the initial evidence shows it is likely dangerous.
Evangelyn Rodriguez of Natural News researched the subject. She sites Dr. Martin Pall, an EMF scientist, as saying that EMF explosure leads to premature aging and causes damage to vital organs. His research also found EMF exposure to be linked to the development of Alzheimer's disease
Here is a good short video discussing the dangers of 5G:
Image taken from, an excellent resource I highly recommend to learn more.
Aliments which can be caused by 5G:
heart arrhythmia
permanent DNA damage
mood swings
Here is a link to an article on Childrens Health Defence about a man having heart problems after 5G is installed and then the problems go away when he moved away.
This is a super short video showing they are putting these towers in places you could not imagine.
But get this… our own department of defense is already using millimeter-wave frequences, the same ones used in 5G, for crowd disposal.
Did they use it at a Travis Scott concert where a small group of people fell to the ground all at ounce? What happened there?
They even have a name for it, called Active Denial System. This generates a focused and directional millimeter-wave radio frquency beam, which produces a severe burning sensation. Nice. Just burn people. No problem.
Just who are they trying to fool here? How stupid do they think we are? Tree my ass.
So is 5G a weapon?
According to an article by Natural News, weapons expert Mark Steele called 5G a weapons system designed to kill people.
According to Steele, the 5G network has the capability to target acquire and attack the vaccinated due to the nano metamaterial antenna from COVID-19 vaccine.
Taken from the Natural News article, "5G is a Weapons System Designed to KILL People”
"Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) need the 5G networks to maintain their geoposition and navigate their environment to the target," he explained.
"These weapons cannot rely on satellite communications due to the potential for inclement weather events and signal latency to disrupt their signals so they must have localized 5G networks for the upcoming cityscape battlefield environment, for assassination capability and for battlefield domination in planned future wars."
Here is an excellent two minute video that agrees with Mark Steele’s position. Best two minutes you will see today. Please watch.
What the hell? I’m telling you it’s not just about faster internet. Something is definately going on with 5G.
And then there is this: Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks.
Are you kidding me? Really?
From Phil Stone of, the study was done in March and April of 2020 in Italy. “The result is San Marino, the first European state with 5G technology- is the state with the highest number of cases per 1,000 inhabitants. 4.07 times more than Italy and 27 times more than Croatia, which does not have 5G. "
A couple of findings from the study:
The results obtained demonstrate a clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location.
It is very significant that on the African continent, with scarce health resources but without 5G, the rate of infection is very low, except for some antennas in South Africa, which also presents the highest rates of infection in Africa.
So maybe they are on to something here. Maybe there is a connection….
matthew @maththfcx on Twitter just posted this:
“Why has every pandemic in modern history coincided with the advancement of a radio frequency technology or an electromagnetic frequency technology? If you think this is all purely coincidence, you are destined to be a sheep for the rest of your life.”
Good question. Why indeed.
He also shared this fantastic graphic.
Here is a list of some of the aliments that happen with radiation sickness.
Note how many of the symptoms are identical to that of covid
heart palpitations
heart arrhythmias
difficulty breathing
flu-like symptoms
Ok so back to the beginning where I shared my theory that I thought maybe those people in the videos who spun around and collapsed were perhaps affected by 5G. Again I apologize for the disturbing content.
The first video is a couple of years old. No one has produced any explanation about it whatsoever. I wanted to show you those videos because what if it really was 5G? Shouldn’t people be warned it could be a possiblity one day? All it will take is some psychopath at the controls. We will be next, spinning around and dropping dead.