Lie 6: Those lines behind planes are just contrails
Nothing to worry about, just harmless ice crystals
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
―George Orwell, 1984
This is one lie that seems so obvious I can’t even believe I have to explain it.
Contrails are caused by water condensation from planes. These cloud-like white lines are seen up in the sky every day. The water vapor forms ice crystals and the ice crystals create the cloud.
The only way these contrails can form are if the conditions are just right. It has to be really really cold, it has to be extremely humid and it has to be at very high elevations of 35,000 feet or more.
Only large commercial jets can fly at that altitude. According to Geoengineering
“The high bypass turbofan jet engine used on most commercial and military aircraft is almost incapable of creating contrails except under rare and extreme circumstances (a combination of extraordinary cold and anomalously high atmospheric humidity).”
This close up video of spraying was explained as an “Example of the atomiser laminar flow wing design clearly showing the trail across the entire trailing edge.” In other words, it’s not just coming out of the engines. Great short video, please check this out here:
How long a contrail lasts depends on the temperature and humidity of the air. When air is dry, contrails last just seconds or minutes, and the contrails can spread out and become cirrus clouds.
Listen to what these pilots have to say about it (short 2 min.)
In this next video from a pilot, he says the pilots they hire to do the spraying are top notch military pilots. They don’t want these pilots to talk about they are doing, so they keep re-assigning them to different bases every 18 months so they don’t make too many friends. Most are single with no family. They are “hardened to humanity” and he calls them “tanker terminators.”
He also says that these pilots are paid the same as an Air Force One pilot, which according to, the average annual pay for an Air Force One Pilot in the United States is $130,916 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $62.94 an hour.
Here is the link to that 2 min. video:
Graphic from the United Kingdom
If you really want to hear a discussion from a pilot, here is a good video to check out:
So what exactly are they spraying? Oh all kinds of good stuff. Barium, Cadmium, Aluminum and Sulfer Dioxide to name a few. Let’s not forget Strontium, Radium and Nano-Particles too.
And that’s not all. According to this whistleblower, a military doctor who treats the pilots whose fly these planes, there are also barium salts, which are 10,000 times more toxic than lead, as well as human plasma. Human plasma? Good grief. Really?
Watch him here in this two minute video:
And guess what else they are spraying? According to this video, they are spraying Smart Dust. The video explains it better than I can and is only four minutes. But the basic idea is this dust will somehow be used as a transhumanistic technology to give data to AI. Who the hell knows what their plans really are?
Watch this important video here:
Why are they spraying chemicals? Well that’s the million dollar question.
An excuse is global warming and the chemicals are used to block out the sun and make it cooler.
Another excuse is they are cloud seeding to make it rain. Here is a 1 minute video explaining that:
But the fact is our government has been manipulating our skies and weather for decades. This shit goes back at least 50 years. The government is not hiding it, it is out in the open for anyone to see.
From, an example of one of the patents back from 1966:
Ok so back to the basic argument they are just contrails. If they are just contrails then why are these planes fitted with these nozzles? Why do the planes start spraying and then stop, as in this video:
Why is one plane spraying and the other is not if both planes are flying at the same altitude and conditions, shouldn’t both of the planes have contrails? How come only the one does?
Video of one plane spraying and one not:
Video of trails turning on and off:
Video of sky before and after spraying:
And here is another before and after:
This toxic crap has been found in our water and air.
According to
“…we also have conducted extensive lab testing confirming the presence of materials listed in climate engineering / weather modification patents in the air and water.”
Here is an example of some of the tests that were performed on rainwater. High levels of metals were found, including aluminum, barium, and strontium.
As you can see, I have quite a bit of information I gathered from Geoengineering Watch.Org, because Dane Wigington, creator of the site, is the best expert on the topic of geogineering. He has been gathering evidence for decades and is fully comitted to the cause of stopping weather manipulation. His evidence and documentation are top notch.
He made an excellent film called ‘The Dimming’ (2021) , which goes into detail of how they conducted aerial sampling missions to test what was in the trails of these planes. So what did they find? Positive confirmed results for aluminum and barium sulfate nanoparticles.
So, if there no such thing as chemtrails, why did Tennesse just outlaw it? Learn about that here:
And not just Tennessee outlawed it, but so did Mexico. According to
“The Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) announced that it is now illegal in Mexico to release aerosol particles into the skies to try to block the sun's heat...”
“America is one of the only countries, in fact, that refused to sign on to a United Nations moratorium on chemtrails that was agreed upon by nearly 200 other countries, including Mexico, back in 2010.
"There are enough studies that show that there would be negative and unequal impacts associated with the release of these aerosols," the environment ministry of the UN wrote at the time.”
So for those with eyes to see, you already know we are being sprayed like bugs.
I want to end by quoting former FBI director, the late Ted Gunderson, who tells it like it is. He said the following:
“This is genocide. This is poison. This is murder.
This is a crime. A crime against humanity. A crime against America. A crime against the citizens of this great country.”
To see him, check out this video here:
Some excellent resources for more information: