Lie 7: Mammograms are necessary to screen for breast cancer
Step right up and put your boob in a vice
Today, the standard recommendation is for women over 40 to get a mammogram, which is a specific type of xray, to screen for breast cancer.
The majority of women do so and never think twice. It’s just a harmless little test. Sure, your breasts will be flattened like pancakes and put in a painful vice, but it’s only for a few seconds. Grin and bear it.
So, maybe a week later, the woman, let’s call her Sally, gets a call from her doctor saying they found a suspicious lump in her breast. She is told she will need to come in for a biopsy.
According to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, located in New York,
“An improperly performed biopsy can cause some cancer types, such as a sarcoma, to spread. These tumor types have fragile outer capsules that contain the cancer cells into a mass.”
And that’s exactly what happens.
She gets a biopsy and the cancer spreads. The doctors pressure Sally into chemo and radiation and tell her she will die without the treatment. Sally is terrified. She makes an appointment for the treatment the very next day.
She goes thru the torture like a good little girl. Her hair falls out, she is nauseous and she becomes weak and sick as her immune system is ravaged by the toxic poisons.
Six months later Sally dies.
Or let’s talk about what happened to Jane. Jane is not real person but her story rings true for many. They find something on her mammogram test also. The test, because of it’s high resolution, is picking up something called DCIS, or Ductal Carcinoma In Situ.
DCIS is not a cancer. No one dies from DCIS.
Some stupid doctors are calling DCIS Stage 0 cancer. Really? What the hell is that? Fricken stage 0. To me, zero means zero. They will do anything to make a buck, including calling something that is not a cancer, cancer.
According to Dr. Christiane Northup, a doctor who specializes in women’s health issues, in her article called the “Best Breast Cancer Screening Tests,” she refers to a 2015 JAMA Oncology article by Dr. Esserman.
“Dr. Esserman says that DCIS accounts for approximately 20% to 25% of screen-detected breast cancers. Yet, long-term epidemiology studies have demonstrated that the removal of 50,000 to 60,000 DCIS lesions annually has not been accompanied by a reduction in the incidence of invasive breast cancers.
The rate of DCIS detection in 1973 was 3.8%. In the United States alone, the increased rate of DCIS detection between 1983-1993 was 314 percent. And, among women ages 40-49, that rate was 339 percent, thanks mostly to widespread use of mammography.
To make matters worse, a large study of over 51,000 women found that the number of women who decided to have both breasts removed (double mastectomy) after being diagnosed with DCIS in one breast more than tripled between 1998 and 2005. In 1998, 4.1% of the women had prophylactic mastectomy in the non-DCIS breast. In 2005, 13.5% had prophylactic mastectomy. ‘‘
Dr. Northrup added, “I have friends who have had bilateral mastectomies for DCIS. This absolutely breaks my heart because DCIS is NOT cancer.”
Back to Jane. What did she decide to do? She was so scared she had both of her breasts removed. Both breasts removed for a cancer that was never a cancer!
The cartoon above was provided by Mike Adams of
As you can see, the main problem with mammograms are false positives and the harm outweighs the risk. Because of this, Switzerland has banned them.
In an article by Dawn Prate titled “Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer,” on, going back to 2005, she sites a Swedish study.
“In a Swedish study of 60,000 women, 70 percent of the mammographically detected tumors weren't tumors at all. These "false positives" aren't just financial and emotional strains, they may also lead to many unnecessary and invasive biopsies. In fact, 70 to 80 percent of all positive mammograms do not, upon biopsy, show any presence of cancer. “
Harm? What harm? I thought mammograms are safe?
Well what about radiation? Just think about the radiation exposure, once every other year for 10 or 20 years.
According to Mike Adams of, in an article called “Mammograms and Radiation”:
Most women undergoing mammograms have no idea that the radiation emitted by mammography machines actually causes cancer by exposing heart and breast tissue to dangerous ionizing radiation that directly causes DNA damage.
Radiation from a mammogram can be up to 1,000 times greater than a chest X-ray. In addition, some experts believe that ionizing radiation used in mammograms mutates breast cells.
Here is a very short video explaining the risks with 3D mammograms:
Pub Med republished an article from the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in Sept. 2015 by Peter C. Gotzsche, titled “Mammography Screening is Harmful and Should be Banned.’’
Taken from that article:
“Mammography screening has been promoted to the public with three simple promises that all appear to be wrong: It saves lives and breasts by catching the cancers early. Screening does not seem to make the women live longer; it increases mastectomies;1,25 and cancers are not caught early, they are caught very late.9 They are also caught in too great numbers. There is so much overdiagnosis that
the best thing a women can do to lower her risk of becoming a breast cancer patient is to avoid going to screening, which will lower her risk by one-third.13
Here is a link to that study:
The late great Dr. John McDougall also talks about the harms of mammograms here in this very short video:
As if the risk of radiation exposure and misdiagnosis were not bad enough, the stupid mammogram does not even do what it supposed to do!
According to the New York Times article “Screening: Mammograms Seen Ineffective in Europe.”
“An analysis of data from six European countries suggests that mammography screening has had no effect on breast cancer mortality. We were surprised and quite sad to find that breast cancer screening doesn’t work,” said Dr. Philippe Autier, the lead author. “We were expecting to find the reverse.”
What I think also deserves attention here is the pyschological anguish inflicted on these women with their false postive results. Being told they are sick has a huge impact on their emotional well-being as well, causing great stress and anxiety.
Another great comment from Dr. Northrup:
The problem is that women have been trained to be so afraid of breast cancer that they’ll often willingly sacrifice their breasts just to relieve their anxiety—or what a doctor friend of mine calls “surveillance fatigue.”
Since the mammogram has such a high resolution, other than detecting the DCIS, they often detect small tumors, which were probably never life threatening to begin with.
Can you even imagine getting a cancer diagnosis? The worry, the fear, the dread, the uncertainity. It is just so cruel! I feel really bad for these women and my heart aches. They are told they have no options other than over zealous treatments such as chemo and radiation. They are told they will die. This is beyond evil.
A comment from Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Professional Holistic Health Practitioner from Canada.
“Instead of instructing woman to balance their hormones and detox their livers to support the breast changes, they are victimized by a medical cult that only sees profit from disease, screening, diagnosis and “treatment”.
I want to share another woman’s story. Her name is Northern Tracy and she wrote about her experiences on the blog of Dr. Amandha Vollmer.
Please read what she wrote, her story is a common one:
“After my mother’s death at 49 I lived in fear of my own demise which mainstream media told me would be my fate as it was all down to my bad genes. I genuinely believed I would not see 50.
That changed when I had my own personal scare believing the end was nigh for me too. Finding a hard lump on my right breast I was so panicked I literally ran the half mile to my doctors office without an appointment and grabbed the receptionist demanding to see a doctor NOW because I have breast cancer. After a brief exam I was told it was mastitis and not cancer. That was not good enough for me.
I was not convinced so in my ignorance of mammograms and the damage they do I begged to be sent for a ‘proper’ breast examination. At a top London cancer hospital I suffered the indignity of having my breast squeezed in a vice gladly, after which a nice doctor sat me down for a talk. He asked me why at such a young age I wanted a mammogram so I told him my history to which he replied the genetic thing is total nonsense.
The media lies did not reflect the science and I had no more chance of getting BC than anybody. My mothers genes were not going to kill me.
That was the switch flipped for me. I’d been living in fear of a lie so what else was lies? I started researching. I went down many tangents and ‘rabbit holes’, looked at vaccines and other drugs, alternative health modalities and even common law and conspiracies.
I did a lot of learning. I learned how to read scientific papers while arguing with shills online over their ‘science’ versus my ‘pseudo science’. After 30 years I think I have cracked it and can safely say I no longer fear the ‘Big C’. Not one bit. Neither should you because it is that fear which will kill you, not the cancer.”
Here is a link to the entire article if you are interested:
If mammograms are not safe, then what other alternatives are there?
Glad you asked. There are plenty.
The first and probably best alternative would be European Thermography which assesses your breast health and all the major organs, endocrine glands, and lymphatic system. It can detect the very early stages of disease years before tumors or symptoms develop.
With thermography as your regular screening tool, it’s likely that you would have the opportunity to make adjustments to your diet, beliefs, and lifestyle to transform your cells before they became cancerous. Talk about true prevention. — Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Thermography can identify precancerous or cancerous cells earlier, produces unambiguous results which cuts down on additional testing and doesn’t hurt the body. These reasons make thermography a much better and safer choice than mammograms.
Some other options include the oncoblot test, the Greece test, the cancer profile, the breast cancer risk assessment tool, breast awareness and self exams. Unfortunately I do not have the time to go into detail about these other options, but I wanted to give you the information so you could it explore it further.
As I was telling a friend of mine, I knew mammograms were bad, but I never realized just how bad they were. I hope this article will inspire you to seek out other alternatives and that you will share it far and wide with your women friends who still believe in the mammogram propaganda.
For more information there is a documentary made about this subject. Here is a link to the trailer where you can find out more and a great article by Dr. Mercola: