This lie really makes my blood boil. It makes me angry because innocent people will die. Innocent people will suffer. Innocent people will live their last days in fear. Innocent people will spend their life savings for treatments that don’t work.
All because they have been lied to.
So how in the hell did this happen?
A long time ago in the early 1900’s a couple of greedy bastards, by the name of Rockefeller and Carnegie, who are probably responsible for more deaths now than Hitler, decided their millions in wealth were not enough. They wanted MORE!!
More money, we need to make more money! they said. They decided they wanted to make more money from petroleum by creating petroleum based pharmaceuticals.
The Flexner Report of 1910, described how they would get a hold of the education system and create a medical monopoly by eliminating their competition -holistic medicine and doctors- by patenting petrochemical medical education.
The American Medical Association (these guys are not our friends) targeted and shut down the larger respected homopathic colleges.
(Apricot seeds are on the list of cancer cures)
According to Dr. Darrell Wolfe, “By 1925, over 10,000 herbalists were out of business. By 1940, over 1,500 chiropractors would be prosecuted for practicing quakery. The 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in the 1930’s dwindled down to just two by 1923. By 1950 all the schools teaching homeopathy were closed.”
He added, “In the end, if a physician did not graduate from a Flexner-approved medical school and receive an MD degree, then he or she could not find a job anywhere. This is why today MDS are so heavily biased towards synthetic drug therapy and know little about nutrition, if anything.”
So the greedy bastards should be proud. Their plan worked. I guess it helps if you are rich and powerful.
Ok so what does this have to do with cancer? Lots.
You will see there are cures for cancer. Not found in a pharmaceutical lab, but rather provided by mother nature.
There are so many cures it’s unbelievable.
I am absolutely convinced cancer is caused by parasites. Everything just adds up and makes sense. Dr. Lee Merritt thinks so too.
She says “Cancer is a parasitical infection. As you get older and your immune system gets taxed, you immune system can’t keep parasites in check and they start growing. We see it and call it cancer.”
According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, “When I look at a parasite egg sack under the microscope and I see cancer under the microscope, they look identical.”
Take a minute (less than 2 min.) and listen to Dr. Merritt explain it:
She has a great in-depth video where she talks about how you can get rid of parasites. If you decide to go this route, please watch this video. If you do not use the proper dosage, and the proper timing of the treatment, you may get flu-like symptoms and the treatment will not work.
Just take a moment to think about it. So many animals get parasites. If other animals get parasites, what makes us immune? What is so special about the human animal that we don’t get parasites?
Nothing. Here is a link to an article describing 10 common parasites in humans:
Lately, some people have been talking about curing their cancer with Fenbendazole, a broad spectrum anti-parastic medicine used for animals.
Here is a first hand account taken from the Twitter account “Sudden And Unexpected”@toobaffled
“My Cancer Story! I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in August 2023, and without treatment, I had 3-6 months to sort out my affairs. I began my fenbendazole Protocol immediately. I nearly quit up since my quality of life had deteriorated dramatically. But I started to feel better. Less nausea. I had gained some weight back!
Increased energy. My scan in November 2023 indicated that this severe cancer had neither grown or spread. My cancer marker dropped from over 100,000 to 35,000. As of January 2024, my new marker number was 18k!!! My oncologist was just scratching his head, and a family member said he seemed bewildered!
And no, I did not inform him about the fenben. I was terrified he'd drop me as a patient. I was quite appreciative for fenben and how it has helped me. I was feeling better and stronger. I had scans and bloodwork done in March, and my markers are now down to 6000. And the tumors were shrinking!!!
Two weeks after my previous scan. I scanned again, and it returned NED.
•MORNING ◦ Curcumin (600mg daily) ◦ Zinc (50mg) ◦ Milk thistle, As a food supplement, take 15 - 30 drops, 2-3 times daily in a little fruit juice or water. 7 days a week ◦ Serrapeptase (120,00Iu) ◦ Fenbendazole (1000mg of Panacur C is advised to be taken seven days a week. It is recommended that it should be taken with a meal). •NIGHT ◦ Curcumin (600mg tablet per day are recommended ◦ Berberine (600mg 2-3 times a day ) ◦ Quercetin (500mg 1/day) ◦ Turkey Tail ◦ Vitamin E (800mg for 7 days a week) ◦ Fenbendazole (1000mg at night) ◦ Ivermectin 12mg daily 5/7days a week •Limit sugar and processed food intake •Drank green tea often”
Ok I know. This is just one story. So here is another (short 2 min):
I don’t know about you, but I believe the guy. What reason does he have to lie?
Here is another man describing what happened to mother’s cancer. (short 3 min)
Dr. Makis, a radiologist and oncologist, has this to say about Fenbendazole:
“Fenbendazole actually prevents cancer cells from using glucose as an energy source. It interferes with glucose utilization. It also increases P53 levels. P53 is a tumor suppressor protein that is damaged in many cancers. And we know that Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, the spike protein in the vaccine actually damages P53 in people who take the vaccines.’’
He added, “So right here, you have something that really may help patients with turbo cancer who've developed cancer after COVID-19 vaccines. Another important anti-cancer mechanism is that it inhibits cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are responsible for metastases, and they're responsible for cancer reoccurance… You know, when you're in the fight for your life, you don't care what it is. If it works for you, it works”
Here is a link to a short video of Dr. Makis describing Fenbendazole:
Dr. Makis, who is an excellent source of medical information, recently wrote about Fenbendazole on his Substack. This article is for paid subscribers only, but if I had cancer I would subscribe in a heartbeat. I’m sure what he has to share could save your life or that or a loved one. Highly recommend.
Link here:
I am sure after reading his reviews of the research, you will get your moneys worth.
Ok, so maybe you are not convinced about Fenbendazole. I get it. They are doing their best to hide it and keep it from us. Why? Because that’s what they do.
So lets take a look at some other cures.
There are so many I don’t even know where to start.
Let’s look at this chronologically.
In 1924 Harry Hoxsey opened a cancer clinic in Dallas. He treated and cured many patients using a tonic made from plants his grandfather created to treat horses. When he refused to sell the rights to his tonic, Morris Fishbein, the head of the American Medical Association, made Harry’s life hell. Hoxsey, who was not a doctor, was arrested more than 200 times for practicing medicine without a license. Hoxsey’s name along with his tonic took a beating and never recovered. All of Hoxsey’s clinics were shut down.
In 1933, Royal Raymond Rife invented a machine, like a super microscope, called the Rife Beam Ray device, which were able to kill the pleomorphic microbes inside the cancer cells. Rife’s cure rate with 16 patients was 100 percent.
So remember that evil Fishbein character who destroyed Hoxsey? Well he reared his ugly head again and destroyed Rife.
From the book, Cancer: Step Outside the Box by Ty Bolinger, “Rife’s lab was vandalized and photographs, film, and records were stolen. His microscope was stolen, his lab was burned down, and some of his supporters died under suspicious circumstances. In 1940, two doctors who supported Rife were raided by federal officers who confiscated their equipment and notes. They were both later found dead, supposedly having committed suicide by poison.’’
Ok let’s look at some cures that are more current. In the mid-1990s, Jason Vale had terminal cancer. He started eating seeds of apples and apricots. Within a short period of time, Jason’s cancer was gone. When he told his story on the tv show “Extra” he was bombarded for requests for seeds. So he started to find and sell seeds. In 2004, he was sentenced to 63 months in prison for selling the seeds. Sounds fair right? I mean after all he was selling seeds!
Dr. Max Gerson developed a successful protocol for cancer using a strict regimen of nutrition, fresh juicing and pancreatic enzymes. You know what comes next don’t you? Of course Gerson was labeled a quack.
Dr. Joe DiStefano and Dr. Daniel Mayer, discovered the miracle of aloe vera. They opened two clinics in Florida and out of 100 patients, 94 survived. In Oct. 2001, 120 government agents raided their clinics and the clinics were shut down.
Are you starting to see a pattern here?
Bolinger said, “The survival of the medical mafia and big pharma is dependent upon the elimination (by any means) of effective natural health treatments. By making it more difficult to access natural health remedies, these “medical gangsters” are protecting their monopoly while stimultaneously feeding their own megalomania. …Regardless if you are a doctor or a patient, if you cross the medical mafia, then you will likely be visited by one of their “leg breakers” who will attempt to intimidate and coerce you into submission and obedience.”
Another doctor of late who was persecuted was Dr. Burzynski, who used an Antineoplaston treatment. He was successfully treating cancer patients and they tried to revoke his medical license and pounded him with numerous lawsuits. I don’t know if he is still practicing today.
An excellent documentary was made about this. Highly recommend to help you understand just how deep this goes.
So now it should be very obvious to you when someone comes forward with a cure, that person and their clinics are destroyed.
Here is a short (2 min) video of a doctor describing how he discovered a cure and was promptly shut down.
Lets get into some more cures, something a little more positive and uplifting instead of talking about all the crooks.
It would take a book to describe all the alternative treatments. What follows is just a brief summary of some alternative treatments:
Bio-oxidative therapies such as ozone. Dr. Warburg said that when cells are deprived of oxygen, this is a cause of cancer.
Cellect-Budwig protocol. A key ingredient is cellect powder. Other factors include the Budwig diet, vitamin B 17, Organic vegetable juicing, sunshine (vit. D) and liver cleansing.
enzyme/metabolic therapy. Developed by Dr. William Donald Kelley, he believed that cancer grows due to a lack of pancreatic enzmes that digest the cancer cells. He treated 33,000 patients with a cure rate of 93 %.
Essiac tea. This tea is made up of burdock root, sheep sorrel, powdered slippery elm bark and powdered Turkish rhubarb root. For the recipe, go here
Gerson therapy. A metabolic therapy which uses a special diet, supplements and coffee enemas.
Hemp. THC cures cancer. Here are a couple of studies for you if you are interested:
Hyperthermia. Artificially induced fever.
Intravenous Vitamin C. In a 1995 publication, doctors presented evidence that ascorbic acid is toxic to cancer cells.
I.P.T. ( Insulin Potentiation Therapy). This treatment uses a very dose low chemo and a small dose of insulin.
Oleander soup. Please do not go out and digest any part of the Oleander plant as this plant is highly toxic and you could die! Get capsules or an extract here:
Sodium bicarbonate. Dr. Simoncini has been successful with this treatment. For more info:
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy.
Vitamin B 17. Also known as laetrile. Apricot seeds.
Ivermectin (short video about Ivermectin):
Did you notice these are mostly holistic remedies? Since anything provided to us by mother nature can not be patented, there is no money to be made. Remember the greedy bastards just want to make money. They don’t care about human health. They don’t care about you and me.
Did you notice that chemo, radiation and surgery are not on the list?
Did you know that chemo only has a 3 percent success rate? In other words, only 3 percent of the people can actually survive the torture and toxic effects of the chemo?
Can you imagine if Ford Motor Company made a car and 97 out of 100 cars had a major defect? They would be out of business. But these docs pushing the chemo, well they tried. The only reason they are giving you the chemo is because chemo is the only drug that the doctors earn comissions on.
And when asked, the oncologists said they would not take the chemo themselves. So what does that tell you?
There was a docuseries I watched a couple of years ago called “The Truth about Cancer” with Ty and Charlene Bolinger. Best docuseries you can ever see. Link here:
Here is a link to their main website, a fantastic resource on cancer:
It was this docuseries that opened my eyes to the truth. One thing that stood out to me, and what I found to be profound, was an interview Ty did with an overseas doctor, (I am not sure it may have been Singapore or Thailand) when they traveled the globe looking for cancer cures.
This doctor said at the first appointment with the cancer patient, he spends two hours with them doing nothing but talking with them. He asks the following questions: Do you have any stress? How are you managing stress? Did you go thru a painful relationship breakup? Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Are you having trouble with your spouse or family? Are you having any financial problems? Are you able to find joy? How happy are you?
He wanted to get a guage on their emotional health. He wanted to see if their emotions were out of balance. He knew having healthy emotions and feelings were key to healing, and stress played a major role in cancer.
What happens in the good ole U.S. of A when you go to the doctor? He looks at your labs or your x-rays, or MRI, or CAT scan or whatever. He leans back in his chair and tells you the tests show there is a cancerous mass. He tells you after you leave your appointment, you should immediately make appointments for chemo and radiation. He spends maybe 10-15 minutes with you and rushes you out the door.
Does this oncologist give a shit about how his patients feel? Does he give a shit about how his patients are doing emotionally? Does he give a shit about how his patients are doing nutritionally? Does he give a shit at all?
Remember it’s always about the money.
But the really really sad part is that people think there is no cure, and no other options other than chemo, raditiation and surgery. They think holistic medicine is “woo woo” quackery. They say oh “so and so had chemo and they lived.”
These people are so brainwashed there really is no getting thru to them. All we can do is sit back and watch them suffer. Watch them struggle with the endless chemo appointments in the comfy recliners in the big multi-million dollar state of the art cancer treatment centers, like the one in Santa Barbara, CA, where they even have valet service.
The whole thing just makes me sick! Just take the damm dog dewormer and cure yourself! What the hell are you waiting for? What do you have to lose? Isn’t your life worth it? Do you want to live?
Stop believing in the white coats and become your own doctor. No one cares more about your life than you. Stop believing in the propaganda. Take charge of your life and your health. Do your research. I will be providing some excellent resources at the end.
Everything is at your fingertips. You are in control. You can do this. You have the power to heal.
For more information:
A short video from Dr. Makis:
A short video about Dr. Burzynski:
Chris Wark, who healed his cancer, has been on a mission to help others. He has lots of good information here:
Dr. Rashid Buttar, who unfortunately is no longer with us, had success with his cancer patients. Here is a link to several people’s testimonies.
“The Truth About Cancer, A Global Quest,” 9 episodes, complete transcripts
“The Cancer Killers” by Dr. Charles Majors and Dr. Ben Lerner
“The Cure for all Cancers” by Dr. Hulda R. Clark
“Cancer Step Outside the Box” by Ty Bolinger